Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So Pres. Carter said that some of the rabble rising up against every fucking thing Obama does is rooted in racism?
I awoke in my very comfortable hotel room this morning to hear MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and company pooh-poohing the former president for making the most obvious point in the history of American political discourse. I'm guessing Scarborough is behind the whisper campaign at and other mainstream outlets pimping him to run for President in 2012, so he doesn't want the rednecks and mouthbreathers to think he doesn't agree with them.
There are teabaggers genuinely concerned about our nation's finances, to be certain, but they are inextricably tied to others who can't stand the idea of a charismatic black man in charge and they are doing everything they can to dehumanize the president in the eyes of the public.
The loyal opposition, which hounded Bill Clinton incessantly for eight years (as was their right), used to be a very effective harassing tool for the corporate Republican establishment. The problem today is that rabble is taking on a life of its own and the corporate Republican masters are losing their control. The way things are going, whomever wants the GOP nomination in '12 is going to be the teabagger candidate (Palin and Huckabee leap to mind).
A teabagger candidate would be Nirvana for Obama. They would be lucky to crack 35 percent in the election and Obama would cruise to reelection.
My only fear is that some teabaggers would get so distraught that they would try to foment armed rebellion, on the mistaken assumption that the (white) people secretly support them. They would be wrong, of course, and only succeed in becoming martyrs to a cause rooted in fantasy and ignorance.
One Timothy McVeigh was despicable enough; a thousand would be a senseless tragedy.


Anonymous said...

Laughable Stupidity!
The most pathetic president ever continues to be the most abominable ex-president ever.
Walk toward the light Mr Carter, walk toward the light...

lapsednewsguy said... least Carter has the balls to stand behind his words, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

BTW, proud of your step-thug?

lapsednewsguy said...

Josh and some other kids being idiots has what to do with Jimmy Carter and your fear to stand behind your words?

lapsednewsguy said...

Wow, indeed.